Collaborate and teach more effectively through projects

Project-based pedagogy at scale, interdisciplinary collaboration between teams... Projects is the SaaS platform for the world of education, research, and learning organizations.

Projects on desktop and mobile

Approved by more than 10,000 students and professionnals :

Cergy UniversitéFrance EduNum InternationalAix Marseille UniversitéUniversité de StrasbourgProfs-ChercheursUniversité Paris CitéUTC
Project "Défi chimie : PH invisible"

Deploy project-based pedagogy at scale (for 10 to 100,000 students)

Course design assistance: we support you in designing the course and configuring the tool.
A guide for students: they will always know what to do and when.
Decentralized real-time management of all students' progress: navigate through all projects at any time. Implement two levels of supervision with student mentors.
A showcase of project diversity: create a beautiful project page in minutes and search for projects related to your areas of interest.
Our support team responds quickly to all inquiries.
The difference between before and after Projects is like night and day! The tool is adapted to new pedagogical practices, and we can easily support over 2,000 learners. The quality of submissions has improved, students are more motivated to document their work, and we can better showcase our efforts. All of this is supported by a responsive and highly professional support team!
Tram Tuyet Dang Ngoc
Tram Tuyet Dang Ngoc
CY University
Computer Science Teacher-Researcher
Projet bicyclette centrifugeProjet relais sportifProjet critères professeursProjet KalyzeeProjet banque alimentaireProjet parapheur électronique

Why Projects?

Design and facilitate a project-based course

Customizable templates to guide students
Real-time progress tracking
Peer feedback and mentor review
Collaborative work on the same document

Get inspired by previous projects

Powerful project search
Skill-based profile search
AI recommendations of people and projects that interest you

Catalyze interactions among community members

AI-powered profile recommendations
Contact information available
Your integrated chat
Announcements of events, job offers, or contributions
Email and in-app notifications

Showcase student projects

Valoriser projets
The finalist projects from your hackathons or summer schools
Student submissions accessible to you, your institution, and/or the public
Students will have a project portfolio to showcase during their job search

Showcase the people, projects, and teams within your organization

Faire connaitre
Navigable profiles of individuals and teams
Unified search with filters for people, projects, and teams
Geographical exploration through the project map
AI recommendations of projects and people

Create a community of practice to share common challenges and effective actions

Créer une communauté
Adjustable visibility (project, community, everyone)
Collaborative work on the same document
System of categories, groups, and tags to structure content
Peer feedback
Photo service client

Never alone with our support team!

A team based in Europe supports you with getting started on the platform and adapting your pedagogy


SaaS Plateform

Simplified setup, continuous improvement of features, and secure access from any connection. So much more convenient.



As a French association, we have no shareholders. 100% of the platform's revenue is reinvested in developing new features. Our goal is to make an impact on learning!

Poignée de main

Open Source

With shared governance and code, our platform is agile, sustainable, and tailored to the world of research and education. We are proudly "open source."


Optimal Security

No compromise on security. Your data is hosted in France on redundant servers. You control the confidentiality of your projects, your teams, and your profiles.


State of the art

No compromises on the quality of user experience or code. VueJS, Machine Learning, APIs, Terraform, Generative AI, Cloud-based, SSO, unit testing - you benefit from the highest standards.

They trust us

The difference between before and after Projects is like night and day! The tool is adapted to new pedagogical practices, and we can easily support over 2,000 learners. The quality of submissions has improved, students are more motivated to document their work, and we can better showcase our efforts. All of this is supported by a responsive and highly professional support team!
Tram Tuyet Dang Ngoc
Tram Tuyet Dang Ngoc
Université de Cergy
Computer Science Teacher-Researcher
We have chosen Projects to share the projects and skills of 1,000 researchers, as well as the 100 public and private laboratories of the Bioconvergence initiative.
Collaborating such a complex ensemble requires the best collective and artificial intelligence tools.
Ariel Lindner
Ariel Lindner
Bioconvergence Project Director
Research Director at INSERM and Université Paris Cité
Discovering the exceptional projects developed by other students is exhilarating and incredibly inspiring, not to mention the fascinating international aspect. As a student, this platform proves to be an incredible search engine for staying informed about university activities, whether it's clubs, personal projects, or other fantastic events.
Mita Manu Abraham
Miya Manu Abraham
Learning Planet Institute
Learning Science Master Student

They support us

Fondation BettencourtUnescoMinistère de l'Education NationaleFrance 2030ParisRégion Ile de France

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